A Planning Board Public Hearing regarding 180 Cambridge Park Drive, we encourage Residents and Friend to join in the discussion.
The Planning Board of the City of Cambridge will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, July 8, 2014 at 7:00 p.m., at the City Hall Annex, 344 Broadway, Second Floor Meeting Room, Cambridge, Massachusetts on amendments to the existing Special Permits for 125 CambridgePark Drive (PB #26) and 150 CambridgePark Drive (PB #47) and a new Special Permit (PB#292) by the McKinnon Company on behalf of BRE/CPD LLC, for the property located at 180RCambridgePark Drive, to permit the construction of a new residential building containing 378 multifamily dwelling units. The proponent requests special permits pursuant to Section 20.63.7 divergence from the Parkway Overlay District standards; Section 20.70 construction in the Flood Plain Overlay District; Section 20.95.1 increase of the base Floor Area Ratio to approximately 2.0 at the site; Section 20.95 increase of maximum height to 105 feet; Section 20.95.34 reduction of applicable front, side and rear yard requirements; Section 20.97.2 permit pooled parking between the Site and 100, 125 and 150 CambridgePark Drive; Section 20.97.3 and (Section 5.25.42) to exclude the on grade parking facilities and Parking Structure from the applicable Floor Area Ratio limitations; Section 6.35 reduction of required parking to permit the shared parking arrangements; Section 6.43.6 to permit a common driveway located on 130 CambridgePark Drive, 150 CambridgePark Drive and 180R CambridgePark Drive; Section 6.44.1 to permit on grade open parking spaces and driveways within 5 feet of the side and rear property lines, Section 19.20 Project Review Special Permit.
Copies of this petition are on file in the Office of the City Clerk, City Hall, Cambridge, Massachusetts and at the Community Development Department, 344 Broadway and online at www.cambridgema.gov/CDD. Questions concerning the petition may be addressed to Liza Paden at 617/349-4647 TTY 617/349-4621, email [email protected]."
344 Broadway
2nd Floor Metting Room
Cambridge, MA
United States
Google map and directions