
The Cambridge Residents Alliance, Inc. is directed by its Officers, Board  of Directors, Executive Committee,  other working  committees and input from General Meetings.


Lee Farris, President

Jonathan King, Vice President

Shelley Rieman, Clerk

Richard Goldberg, Treasurer 


Phyllis Bretholtz (Exec. Com’t)

Mike Connolly

Gary Dmytrk

Derek Etkin

Charles Franklin

Richard Goldberg

Tonia Hicks

Catherine Hoffman

Jackie King

Richard Krushnic 

Nadeem Mazen

John Ratliff

John Roberts

Nancy Ryan (Board Chair)

Kathy Watkins (Exec. Com’t)

The Executive Committee directs the day to day business of the organization and currently includes Phyllis Bretholtz, Lee Farris, Richard Goldberg, Jonathan King, Shelley Rieman, John Roberts, and Kathy Watkins. The Board holds 3-4 meetings a year to deal with broad policy, political and organization issues. The Annual Meeting is held as set by the Board.

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Cambridge Residents Alliance