Sunday June 11 Garden Party

Please join friends and neighbors for a Garden Party on Sunday afternon June 11, 3- 5 pm,  at the home of Susan Markowitz and Richard Krushnic, 20 Oak Street off Cambridge Street in Inman Square. We will also be honoring community leaders who have contributed to our struggle for an affordable, livable and diverse city. The event is a benefit for the Cambridge Residents Alliance.

June 11, 2017 at 3:00pm - 5pm
20 Oak Street Inman Square
20 Oak St
Cambridge, MA 02139
United States
Google map and directions

Will you come?

$250.00 Champion
For Two

$100.00 Sponsor
For Two

$50.00 Supporter
For One

$20.00 Garden Party
For one

Showing 3 reactions

posted about this on Facebook 2017-06-10 09:32:30 -0400
Cantabridgians! Come this sunny Sunday and support the good work of fellow residents to ensure a diverse, sustainable, equitable and resilient city. Please RSVP: Sunday June 11 Garden Party
commented 2017-06-09 09:37:35 -0400 · Flag
I will be arriving with one other person and paying at the door with a personal check. Elie Yarden, 143 Pleasant Street, Cambridge MA.
commented 2017-06-04 08:27:25 -0400 · Flag
too pricey. excludes the diversity we never seem to have in the organization.
please give some details about the honorees. accomplishments and acts of courage and leadership.
Cambridge Residents Alliance