Summit Program

Citywide Neighborhood Summit

Saturday June 7th, 2:30 - 6:30 pm, Cambridge Senior Center.

2:30 - Registration, finding tables;

2:40 - Welcome - Nancy Ryan, Renae Gray, Sylvia Barnes;

2:45 - Community Arts Center Youth Video;

2:55 “Where Have We Been”:

3:00 - Harvard Square (Carole Perrault, Kari Kuelzer, Ken Taylor) with short slide show on protecting Winthrop Square.

3:15 - Fresh Pond/Alewife (Jan Devereux, Jay Yesselman, Peggy Barnes Lenart, Terry Drucker) slideshow and update on the recent surge of high-density "luxury" residential development that has raced past 2024 projections, as projects are approved piecemeal with little regard to context, capacity or community.

3:30- East Cambridge/Courthouse (Seth Teller, Peter Crawley, Beth Sevens, Mark Jaquith, Michael Hawley) slide show and summary of their concerns and status of the Courthouse negotiations.

3: 45 - Central Square/Area4Port (Jackie King, Nancy Ryan, Charlotte Seid, Paul Steven Stone) will be addressing  displacement pressures from the thousands of new employees coming into the Kendall/Central Corridor; the failure of MIT to build graduate student housing to relieve the housing pressure; the flawed C2 process and the need for housing in Central Square that respects the existing community and is affordable for residents.

4:00 – Break! Cold drinks and snacks.

4:10 - Small group discussions; “Hello, where I live, my top priorities”.

4:40  -"Where Are We Heading?" 

4:45 - We Are All in this Together: Adding up the Impacts: Total large scale construction and increased population; increase in transit and traffic congestion; shortage of parks and recreation; protecting Fresh Pond, Danehy Park and Alewife Brook as citywide resources ( Subcommittee Richard Krushnic, Steve Kaiser, Larry Ward, Jonathan King)

5:00 - Improving City Planning (Nancy Ryan, Pebble Gifford; Langley Keyes);

5:15 - STEAM Project for the Foundry (Maisha Moses, Cathy Hoffman, Nina Berg, Ilan Levy);

5:30 - Developing a Master Plan (Dennis Carlone, Nadeem Mazen);

5:45 - Preserving and Building Affordable Housing on Public Property ( Lee Farris,

Richard Krushnic, Rashmi Ramaswamy).

6:00 - General Discussion  and Next Steps:    

6:30 Adjourn


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Cambridge Residents Alliance